Thumbelina 拇指姑娘

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Thumbelina 拇指姑娘

#Thumbelina 拇指姑娘 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Oh hello everyone, I hope you all had a really nice week and enjoyed celebrating Chinese new year.大家好,我希望你们度过了美好的一周,度过了非常愉快的中国新年。

It's a cold day today, I was talking to one of my students in Japan, she was telling me this morning that it had been snowing. That's really cold.今天是个寒冷的日子,我和我的一个日本学生聊天,她告诉我,他们那里早上下雪了。那真的很冷。

It's not snowing here but it is quite cold. But this month of February which is the shortest month, sometimes it can be really nice and warm like spring and sometimes it can still be like winter. It's one of those in between months, and today it's quite cold. Although the sun is starting to shine.英国这里没有下雪,但也挺冷的。2月是一年之中最短的月份,有时它确实不错,像春天一样温暖,但有时它仍然像冬天一样寒冷。这是一个介于春、冬两者之间的月份,今天天气相当寒冷。尽管太阳已经开始照耀大地。

Now, last week we looked at a really difficult story - Hercules. This week, we're going to look at the story which is a bit easier. I know some of you found it quite hard.上周,我们看了一个较为难懂的故事《海格力斯》。这周,我们要看的是一个稍微轻松容易的故事。我知道你们中的一些人认为《海格力斯》的故事很难以理解。

And it's a story of somebody with a made up name - It's Thumbelina. So, sometimes we have names and we find out where they are from and what they mean, and sometimes we have made up names which people don't have, and people aren't called a Thumbelina.


And sometimes here’s books that's written with made up names like Cinderella - Cinderella is not a proper name, although it's the name of the person in the story, Cinders are the bits of…would the burn in the bottom of a fire, and that’s why the writer called her Cinderella. 有时候,作家会用编造出来的名字写书,比如仙度瑞拉(灰姑娘)——仙度瑞拉不是一个正式的名字,虽然它是故事主人公的名字,“Cinders”是煤渣的意思,煤渣是在火底下燃烧的碎片,这就是为什么作者叫她灰姑娘。

But it’s not a proper name, you don't have people nowadays called Cinderella, you do have people called Cindy but you don't really have people called Cinderella. 但仙度瑞拉不是一个正式的名字,现如今没有人会叫自己仙度瑞拉;有人叫做“Cindy(辛迪)”,但没有人叫仙度瑞拉。

And Thumbelina is one of those names as well, a thumb is here but you wouldn't be called a Thumbelina, you might, do you? 桑贝琳娜(拇指姑娘)也是这些不适合作为日常名字中的一个,“thumb”即是大拇指,你不会被称为拇指姑娘,不是吗?

Can I suppose you could have any name, but Thumbelina would be a bit of a strange name to have. 我想你可以有任何名字,但如果取名叫“桑贝琳娜(拇指姑娘)”会有点奇怪。

And she's called Thumbelina because she's about the size of your thumb, so, have a look at your thumb, and see what size it is. It's quite a small.故事的主人公之所以被叫做拇指姑娘,是因为她和你的拇指差不多大,看看你的拇指,看看它有多大。它是相当小的。

And this book this story was written over 200 years ago, and it was written by a man called Hans Christian Andersen and he wrote lots of these types of stories.这本书的故事写于200多年前,是由一个叫汉斯•克里斯蒂安•安徒生的人写的,他写了很多这类型的故事。

And he lived in a country called Denmark, which is quite a cold country to the north of where I lived in England. Well, I haven't actually been there. I would like to go to Denmark but I've never been.他住在一个叫丹麦的国家,那个国家相当寒冷,位于我所居住的英国的北面。我实际上没有去过那里。我想去,但我从来没去过。

So, this is the story of Thumbelina. And as I said, it's a little bit easier than the story we had last week. So let's have a look at our story today!《拇指姑娘》这个故事,正如我所说,比我们上周的故事要简单一些。让我们来来看看今天这个故事吧!

“Thumbelina is pretty and kind - and as tiny as your thumb. Flowers tower above her and birds can carry her on their back. When she’s abandoned in the outside world, she faces some very big adventures indeed.”“拇指姑娘漂亮、善良——而且像你的拇指一样小。花朵在她头顶上耸立,鸟儿可以把她背在身上。当她被遗弃在外面的世界时,她确实面临着一些非常大的冒险。”

So abandoned means that you're left on your own outside, not a very good thing to happen, nobody wants to be abandoned. “abandoned”的意思是你被留在外面,这不是一件很好的事情,没有人愿意被遗弃。

And it tells us “it's based on a story by Hands Christian Andersen”. See if you can remember that name because you'll find lots of books written by Hands Christian Andersen.



「Once, there was a woman who wanted a child.」


「She wanted one more than anything else in the world. At last, she went to a fairy for help.」「她是如此希望有一个孩子,而不是世界上的其他东西。最后,她向一位仙女寻求帮助。」

「“Here is a magic seed,” said the fairy.」「“这是一颗神奇的种子。”仙女说。」

Can you see the fairy in the picture? She's got little tiny wings.你能看到(绘本上的)仙女吗?她有一双小小的翅膀。

And have a look at the first picture - I think this is in winter. You can see the holly, that's the tree, the bush with the red berries on. I can see a red squirrel, a little robin. 再看看(绘本的)第一张图片——我想这是一幅冬天的景象。你可以看到冬青,冬青是树,有着红色浆果的灌木丛。我可以看到一只红松鼠,和一只知更鸟。

And look, the lady is sitting by her fire, and there's snow on the window sill, on the window ledge. So I think it's rather cold. And the fairy - look at the fairies little house, would you like to live in a house like that in a tree?看,这位女士正坐在她的火炉旁,窗台上有雪。所以我想,这是相当冷的。而仙女——看看仙女的小房子,你愿意住在树上那样的房子里吗?

And she's given the woman a magic seed.


「“Put it in a flower pot, and see what happens.”」「“把它放到一个花盆里,看看会发生什么吧。”」

「The seed grew into a beautiful red-gold flower. The woman bent and kissed it. And the petals of the flower began to open.」「种子长成了一朵美丽的红金色花。女人弯腰亲吻了它。然后,花瓣开始打开。」

So, this plant looks like what we call a tulip, and the petals - are on the outside of the flower - the petals and they're often really bright colors, and it tells us this one is red gold. 这种植物看起来像是我们所说的郁金香,而花的花瓣——它们往往有着非常明亮的颜色,故事的叙述者告诉我们这朵花儿是红金色的。

So, we could say “red and gold” but here they've used a little dash to tell us its red gold. So it's red and gold -  it's just another way of doing it. 因此,我们可以说 "红色和金色",但这里,他们用了一个小破折号(-)来告诉我们它是红金色的。所以它是红色和金色的——这是表达它颜色的另一种方式。

A beautiful red gold flower, can you see her watering can there, to water the plant?一朵美丽的红金色花朵,你能在(绘本)那里看到她那用于为植物浇水的浇水壶吗?

「Inside was a tiny girl, no bigger than a thumb.」「花朵儿里面有一个小姑娘,不比拇指大。」

「“I’ll call you Thumbelina.”」


“thumb” look how we say that word -  “θʌ”, our tongue goes on the top of our teeth when we say that. It’s not “fʌm” - thumb, it’s a “θʌ” sound.

"thumb",看看我们是怎么说这个单词的——"θʌ",当我们说这个词的时候,我们的舌头会伸到牙齿上面。这不是 "fʌ"——"thumb",是一个 "θʌ "音。

「The woman made her a bed out of a walnut shell. It had rose petals for sheets.」「那个女人用核桃壳给她做了一张床。它上面有着玫瑰花瓣做成的床单。」

And if you've ever eaten a little walnut, we take out the nut inside, and we’re left with the shell.如果你曾经吃过小小的核桃,我们把里面的坚果拿出来,剩下的就是壳儿了。

And look, the little girl - Thumbelina - is in the walnut shell and they’ve given her a bed made out of the petals of a rose.


So we’ve got the first flower here, with he petals began to open. And I think that’s a tulip, and then we’ve got a tulip and a rose. Roses smell really beautiful, and one of my favorite flowers. And she’s got a little petals for sheets.


「Each day, Thumbelina floated on a tulip leaf in a saucer of water.」


「When she felt lonely she sang to herself.」「当她感到孤独时,她就为自己歌唱。」

「One night, a large, lumpy toad crept through the open window…oh, dear…She snatched Thumbelina as she slept.」「一天晚上,一只大块头的蟾蜍爬过打开的窗户......哦,天哪......她在拇指姑娘睡觉的时候抢走了她。」

So, “snatch” is to grab something. Snatch, we do it quickly - we can't snatch slowly, when we snatch, we do it quickly."snatch"是指抓住什么。当我们做“抢”这个动作的时候,是非常迅速的——我们不能慢慢地“抢”,而是快速地“抢”。

And a toad a bit like a frog, you can see the picture of it there. 蛤蟆长得有点像青蛙,你可以(在绘本上)看到它的样子。

And can you see the little tea cup? The little cup, and in England, we call this a cup and a saucer, we call it actually china because many of our cups and saucers and plates originally - that means quite a long time ago, came from the country of China. Therefore, we call it china - a cup is “pup china”, a saucer is “china”. So we use that word, even though it's the name of a very large country where many of you live.你能看到那个小茶杯吗?在英国,我们称它为杯子和碟子,我们称它为“china”,是因为我们的许多杯子、碟子和盘子最初——最初的意识是在很久很久以前——它们是来自中国这个国家的。因此,我们称它为瓷器——杯子是 "pup china",碟子是 "china"。所以我们使用“china”这个词,尽管它同时也是一个非常大的国家的名字,你们中的许多人都住在那里。

So the naughty toad, lumpy toad - lumpy, at little big and fat, lumpy a large lumpy toad crept through the open window, and snatched Thumbelina. 所以那只淘气的蛤蟆,粗笨的蛤蟆——粗笨的,有点大,有点胖,一个大块头的蛤蟆爬进打开的窗户,抢走了拇指姑娘。

「“what a pretty wife you'll make for my son.” she croaked.」


「“Look what I've got for you.”」「“看看我给你准备了什么。”」

「Her son grinned and gazed at Thumbelina, happily.」


So, I don't think the toad here is a nasty toad, but the toad shouldn't have taken Thumbelina, and she wants Thumbelina to be a wife for her son , another toad. Oh, dear.我不认为这里的蛤蟆是一只讨厌的蛤蟆,但这只蛤蟆不应该带走拇指姑娘,她想让拇指姑娘成为她的儿子——另一只蛤蟆——的妻子 。哦,天哪。

「“We’ll keep her on a water lily in the middle of the stream,” said Mother Toad. “She’ll never escape.”」「“我们会把她养在溪流中间的睡莲上,”蛤蟆妈妈说。“她将永远无法逃跑。”」

「Thumbelina woke to see four large eyes, blinking at her. Then a large webbed hand reached for her.」「拇指姑娘醒来时看到四只大大的眼睛,正对着她眨眼。然后一只有蹼的大手伸向她。」

Reached for her - oh dear, how would you feel? I think you would be a bit scared.伸向她——哦,亲爱的,对此你会有什么感觉?我想你会有点害怕。

I think I would be really scared if I saw four large eyes looking at me. And a large webbed hand - so a frog has its fingers, web, that means they sort of join with a little bit of skin in between. It’s really good for swimming.我想,如果我看到有四只大眼睛看着我,我真的会感到害怕。这只蛤蟆还有一只有蹼的大手——青蛙是有手指的,而蹼,这意味着它们手指之间有一点皮肤的连接着彼此。这对游泳来说非常有优势。

Reached for her - oh dear.伸手去抓她——哦,天哪。

Can you see the dragonfly? Dragonflies are beautiful, look at its lovely wings, you can see the blue and almost green colors of the dragonflies wings.你能看到(绘本上的)那只蜻蜓吗?蜻蜓很美,看它可爱的翅膀,你可以看到蜻蜓翅膀的蓝色和几乎绿色的颜色。

And they put her in a water lily, can you see the waterlily - plants on the stream, and a stream is a small little piece of water. That flows, then lows into a stream, into a river then even from a river out into the sea. But the stream is quite small.他们把她放在睡莲里,你能看到睡莲吗——睡莲是溪流上的植物,而溪流是一小片水。它流淌着,然后变成小溪,变成河流,甚至从河流流向大海。但溪流是相当小的水体。

「“No!” Cried Thumbelina, trying to get away. 」「“不!” 拇指姑娘哭着说道,想要逃走。」

「“Meet your future husband,” said Mother Toad.」「“见见你未来的丈夫吧。”蟾蜍妈妈说。」

「“But I don’t want to marry a toad,” Thumbelina sobbed.」


Sobbed  means to cry.“sobbed”的意思是哭。”

「The fishes in the stream heard her cries.」「溪流中的鱼儿听到了她的哭声。」

Now, can you see the fish? And normally, when we say there’s more than one fish, we still just say the word “fish”. “The fish in the stream”, it can mean one or many, but you can say “fishes”.现在,你能看到(绘本上的)那些鱼吗?通常,当我们说有不止一条鱼时,我们仍然只说 "fish"这个词。"The fish in the stream(溪里的鱼)",它可以指一条或多条的鱼,但你也可以说 "fishes(鱼的复数)"。

Okay, the fish is in the stream - quite unusual, but you can do that, it’s fine. Can you see the fish? I wonder if you can count how many there are: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, I think. You have a looks, if you can count them, don’t think I’ve missed any.


And look what’s right at the bottom of the stream, an old boot. That somebody’s dropped into the water.再看看溪底有什么,一只旧靴子。那是被某人掉进水里的。

「The toads left for food and the fish swam closer.」


「They nibbled and nibbled at the water lily. And it was swished away by the stream.」「它们不断咬着睡莲。然后,睡莲就被溪水冲走了。」

「“I’m free!” said the Thumbelina.」「“我自由了!”拇指姑娘说。」

「Thumbelina floated for days, past villages and wide green fields.」「拇指姑娘漂流了好几天,经过村庄和宽阔的绿色田野。」

Look very pretty - can you see the bird? That’s called a kingfisher, and they eat fish, they called a kingfisher. You don’t see them very often in England, sometimes you do.看起来非常漂亮——你能看到那只鸟吗?那叫翠鸟,他们吃鱼,他们叫翠鸟。在英国,你不经常看到它们,有时你会看到。

And you can see the church and the village in the background?


Past villages and wide green fields. So Thumbelina is going on an adventure.拇指姑娘经过了村庄和宽阔的绿地。所以,拇指姑娘要去冒险了。

「Butterflies fluttered around her. Birds twittered and sang to her.」


「The sun shone on the water so that it glittered like gold.」「阳光照在水面上,使得水面像黄金一样闪闪发光。」

Can you see all the animals? The birds, the blue butterflies, and a little squirrel in his hole in the tree.你能看到所有的动物吗?小鸟,蓝蝴蝶,还有一只在树洞里的小松鼠。

「But, all the time, a big brown beetle was watching her.」「但是,自始至终,一只棕色的大甲虫在看着她。”」

「“There’s a pretty thing.”」「“这真是个漂亮的东西。”」

Can you see the insect with its wings? 你能看到那只昆虫的翅膀吗?

「He swooped down and grabbed her in his claws.」


Oh dear, poor Thumbelina.哦天哪,可怜的拇指姑娘。

「“Look what I’ve found!”」「“看我找到了什么!”」

「“Yuck!” said the lady beetles. “She's ugly. Take her away!”」「“呸!”女甲虫说道,“她长得可真丑。快把她拿开!”」

「So the beetle dropped her in a field. “I don't want you if you're ugly.”」「于是,甲虫把她丢在田里。“如果你长得丑,那我就不想要你了。”」

Well, the silly beetles they are the ones that look ugly to us, don't they? They don't look very pretty, but they think Thumbelina is the ugly one, which is a bit silly, really. But she's not a beetle, so she's not like them. So they might think that she's not very pretty at all.好吧,那些愚蠢的甲虫……在我们看来,它们才长相丑陋,不是吗?它们看起来并不漂亮,但它们认为拇指姑娘才是长相丑陋的那个,这真的有点傻。但她不是甲虫,所以她不像它们。他们可能因此而认为她不漂亮。

Oh dear, she's been dropped by the beetle. Can you see the beetle with their eyes and nose and mouth? They look like real people, don’t they? But they're meant to be insects, a beetle.哦,天哪,她被甲虫丢掉了。你能看到甲虫的眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴吗?它们看起来像人,不是吗?但他们本来就是昆虫,是甲虫。

「For tiny Thumbelina the field was like a forest. There she lived all summer.」「对小小的拇指姑娘来说,田野就像一片森林。她整个夏天都住在那里。」

「She wove herself a bed with blades of grass, and hung up a leaf to stop the rain.」


「She sucked honey from flowers and drank the dew from their leaves.」「她从花朵上吸食蜂蜜,喝着叶子上的露水。」

So the honey here, is the liquid that is inside is called nectar, which is inside of the plant. 这里的蜂蜜指的是在花朵里面的液体,被称为花蜜,是在植物里面的。

And the dew is the sort of wetness, that's on the grass in the mornings. Sometimes you go outside, it hasn't been raining but the grass is wet, all the plants are wet -  that's called a dew. 露水是一种湿润的东西,出现在早晨的草地上。有时你在外行走,天上没有下雨却看见草是湿润的,所有的植物都是湿的——这就叫露水。

And it's little bits of moisture and course because Thumbelina is so small, she doesn't need to have lots and lots of water.当然,因为拇指姑娘是如此娇小,她不需要大量的水分,一点水分就足够了。

Can you see the little ladybird? Now, in many countries, they call it a “ladybug”, but in England, we call it a “ladybird”, and it’s the red insect with the little black spots. Can you see it?你能看到这只小瓢虫吗?在许多国家,它被叫做 "ladybug";但在英国,我们叫它 "ladybird",它是一种有小黑点的红色昆虫。你能(在绘本上)看到它吗?

「Swallow swooped and dived around her, so she never felt alone.」


「And then winter came and the swallows left. Thumbelina shivered with cold.」「然后冬天来临时,燕子们离开了。拇指姑娘冷得直打哆嗦。」

「“What are you doing out here?” asked a field mouse. She took Thumbelina back to a snug little home.」


「“We’ll have a visitor soon,” said the field mouse. “He’s a rich and clever mole.”」「“我们很快就会有一个客人,”田鼠说。“他是一只富有而聪明的鼹鼠。”」

「When the mole came he talked about his life underground. “I never go outside,” he said. “Come and see my splendid house.”」「当鼹鼠到来时,他谈论起他的地下生活。“我从没出去过,”他说,“来看看我华丽的房子吧。”」

And here’s the mole, can you see him? And the field mouse, and the mole is black, and they don’t like going above the ground. They can’t see very well at all.这就是鼹鼠,你能(在绘本上)看到他吗?还有那只田鼠,鼹鼠是黑色的,它们不喜欢到地面上去。他们视觉很弱,无法看清东西。

「Thumbelina went with him down a dark tunnel. In the middle of the tunnel lay a bird. He had fallen through a hole in the roof.」「拇指姑娘和他一起走进了一条黑暗的隧道。在隧道的中间躺着一只鸟。他从屋顶的一个洞里掉了下来。」

「“Oh! Is he dead?” asked Thumbelina.」「“噢!他死掉了吗?”拇指姑娘问。」

「“Yes,” replied Mole. “If swallows don’t fly away for winter, they die of cold.”」「“是的,”鼹鼠回答,“如果燕子不飞走过冬,它们就会被冻死。”」

「That night, Thumbelina crept back to the swallow. She covered him with a carpet of hay.」「那天晚上,拇指姑娘悄悄地回到了燕子的身边。她用干草地毯盖住了他。」

「“Goodbye!”she said, thinking how sweetly the swallows sang all summer.」


「But when she put her head on his breast, she heard a “thump! Thump! Thump!”」「但当她把头放在他的胸前时,她听到了 “砰!砰! 砰!”的声音。」

I wonder if you can work out what that noise is? I think you’re right, I think the bird isn’t dead. I think it’s heart beating, it’s still alive.我想知道你是否能猜出那是什么声音?我想你猜对了,这只鸟儿还没有死。我认为它的心脏在跳动,它仍然活着。

「“He’s not dead. He’s frozen,” she realized.」「“他没有死。他只是冻僵了。”她意识到。」

「The next night, Thumbelina crept back to see the bird again. His eyes were open, but he was very weak. 」「第二天晚上,拇指姑娘又悄悄地去看那只鸟儿。他的眼睛睁开了,但非常虚弱。」

「“I’ll keep you warm and take care of you,” said Thumbelina.」


「“Thank you,”whispered the swallow. 」「“谢谢你。”燕子低声说道。」

「Each night, Thumbelina brought him water and seeds from the field mouse’s store.」「每晚,拇指姑娘都会从田鼠的仓库里给他带来水和种子。」

「By springtime, when the sun warmed the earth, the swallow was well again.」「到了春天,当太阳温暖大地的时候,燕子好转了。」

「“Come with me,” he said. “We can fly away to the green woods.”」「“跟我来,”他说,“我们可以飞到绿色的森林里去。”」

「“I can’t,” said Thumbelina. “I think the field mouse would be sad if I left.”」「“我不能,”拇指姑娘答道,“如果我离开了,田鼠会很伤心的。”」

「So the swallow flew up out of the tunnel and soard into the sky, alone.」「于是,燕子飞出了隧道,独自飞向天空。」

「Thumbelina missed the swallow. She longed to go outside again.」「拇指姑娘很想念燕子。她渴望再次到外面去。」

「“Cheer up!” said the field mouse. “I have exciting news. Mole wants to marry you.”」


「“But I don’t want to marry Mole,”gasped Thumbelina.」「“但我不想嫁给鼹鼠。”拇指姑娘倒吸一口气。」

「“Nonsense!”snapped the field mouse. “Don’t be difficult.”」「“胡说八道!”田鼠呵斥道,“别难为我了。”」

「The wedding day was fixed. Thumbelina was to live deep under the earth.」「婚礼的日子已经确定。拇指姑娘就要住在地底深处了。」

I don't think she's very happy, do you?我认为她不是很高兴,你呢?

「She went to say goodbye to the sky one last time. 」「“她最后一次去向天空告别。」

「“Tweet, tweet” she heard. She looked up and saw the swallow.」「“叽叽。”她听到鸟叫声。她抬起头,看到了燕子。」

「“Cold winter is coming again,” he said. “Come with me to warmer countries.”」「“冷冬即将再次来临,”他说。“跟我到温暖的国度去吧。”」

「“Oh, I’ll come, I’ll come!” cried Thumbelina, because she doesn't want to live the rest of her life under ground.」「“噢,我要去,我要去!”拇指姑娘喊道,因为她不想在地下度过余生。」

「She climbed on his back. They flew high, over forests and snow-covered mountains.」「她爬上了他的背。他们飞得很高,越过森林和被白雪覆盖的山脉。」

「At last, they came to a blue lake. A dazzling white palace stood on its sunny shore. 」「最后,他们来到了一个蓝色的湖边。一座耀眼的白色宫殿矗立在阳光明媚的岸边。」

「“This is my home.” the swallow set Thumbelina down in a large white flower.」「“这是我的家。”燕子把拇指姑娘放在一朵大白花里。」

Can you see the palaces has a dome on the top? Wow, it looks really beautiful, doesn't it?你能看到(绘本上)有着一个圆顶的宫殿吗?哇,它看起来真的很美,不是吗?

「A tiny man stood in the flower. He had a gold crown and pell butterfly wings.」「一个小小的人儿站在花里。他有一顶金冠和佩带的蝴蝶翅膀。」

「“I am King of the Flowers.” he took off his crown and gave it to Thumbelina.」「“我是百花之王。”他摘下王冠,把它交给拇指姑娘。」

「“Will you stay with me and be Queen of the Flowers?”he asked.」「“你愿意和我在一起,做百花之后吗?”他问。」

「“Yes,”said Thumbelina, happy at last.」「“是的,我愿意。“拇指姑娘说道,她终于高兴起来了。」

「Then all the other flowers opened and tiny men and women appeared. They each gave Thumbelina a gift.」「然后,其他的花都打开了,有许多小小的男人和女人在那儿。他们每个人都送给了拇指姑娘一份礼物。」

「Best of all was a beautiful pair of wings, so she could fly from flower to flower.」「最好的礼物是一对美丽的翅膀,这样她就可以从一朵花飞到另一朵花上。」

「And the swallow swoops above them all, singing a joyful song.」「而燕子则在他们所有人的头顶上翱翔,唱着欢快的歌。」


Thumbelina was first told by Hans Christian Andersen, who was born in Denmark in 1805. He said he heard this story from a swallow, who had a nest outside the window of his house in Denmark. The swallow came to him one summer and sang him the story.《拇指姑娘》最早由1805年出生在丹麦的安徒生讲述。他说自己是从一只燕子那儿听到的这个故事,那只燕子在他房子的窗外有一个窝。一年夏天,这只燕子来到他身边,给他歌唱了这个故事。

Do you think that’s true? It’s probably not. But it's quite a nice thought, isn't it?你认为是真的吗?我看未必。但这听起来非常不错,不是吗?

So that's a story of Thumbelina. It's a nice story, and why it’s also a nice story is that -  even though the toad doesn’t sound very nice, and the mole, field mouse, wants to keep Thumbelina and then marry the mole - they’re not nasty in the story.


They're not really nasty, nobody's really nasty. It's not like some stories where you sort of think like the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk.


There we are.





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